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Midnight Prayer


    Text: Isaiah 14:13-15

    13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God:  I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:  14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;  I will be like the most High.   15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.    


    Monday, 29th January 2024


    Text: Isaiah 14:13-15

    Memory verse: 1 Timothy 3:5 For if a man knows not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God? 6 Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil.

    It was pride that caused the archangel Lucifer to rise in rebellion against God his Creator. Notice in Isaiah 14:13-15 how many times the words I will are used by Lucifer in his desire to exalt himself and take God’s place as ruler of the entire universe. Satan even convinced one-third of the angels to follow him. Paul warned Timothy not to prematurely ordain a person as a minister because of the snare of pride. Paul wrote that a minister should not be “a novice, lest being puffed up with pride he falls into the same condemnation as the devil”. Pride of beauty, wealth, intellect, or anything can make us a target for Satan.

    When God created the earth, there was no such thing as pain, sadness, and death. It was paradise, where man walked without fear, because there was nothing for man to fear. He had need of nothing, for God had provided him with everything. God even provided him with a mate. And all things were good. But as we look at the world today, we can see that things are no longer perfect. There are still many wonderful things in the world, but there are also terrible things such as sickness, war, violence, and death. Have you ever wondered what caused it? What changed? What made things the way they are today? The answer of course is sin, this is where I ask the question what happened, what lead mankind to commit sin, and of course the answer is one that can be debated.

    But I want you to look at what I feel may have caused it. The answer may shock you. What I would like to do here is look at what may have helped mankind give into sin, the answer is pride. It's due to our pride that we end up thinking more of ourselves than we should. When we allow this to happen, we get caught up in ourselves and it then becomes all about us and we end up losing our focus on God. We end up seeing the things that God is doing through us as something that we are doing and not giving the glory to God and taking the glory for ourselves. What I would like to do here is share with you what God has showed me about pride and how it affects our lives. After all, whether we would like to admit it or not we all have pride in our life in some way, most of the time we are blind to it.

    Genesis 3: 5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. Pride, Satan introduced pride to Eve, and he passed it on to Adam. You will be as gods when God has already made them gods.



    CGDS HYMN 46: SS & S 585: 


    1. Jesus Christ, grow Thou in me,

    And all things else recede !

    My heart be daily nearer Thee,

    From sin be daily freed.

    2. Each day let Thy supporting might

    My weakness still embrace;

    My darkness vanish in Thy light,

    Thy life my death efface.

    3. In Thy bright beams which on me fall

    Fade every evil thought ;

    That I am nothing, Thou art all,

    I would be daily taught.

    4. More of Thy glory let me see,

    Thou Holy, Wise, and True !

    I would Thy living image be,

    In joy and sorrow too.

    5. Fill me with gladness from above,

    Hold me by strength Divine :

    Lord, let the glow of Thy great love

    Through my whole being shine.

    6. Make this poor self grow less and less,

    Be Thou my life and aim ;

    Oh, make me daily through Thy grace

    More meet to bear Thy name !



    1.  Lord Jesus, try my heart and help me to take away any iota of pride in me.

    2.  LORD God Almighty, constantly deliver me from the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and above all, the pride of life in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    3.  Pray for others in this regard.

