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    Text: Jeremiah 10:1-4

    Hear ye the word which the LORD speaketh unto you, O house of Israel:  Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven;  for the heathen are dismayed at them.   For the customs of the people are vain:  for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the ax.   They deck it with silver and with gold;  they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.  



    Friday, 23rd February 2024


    Text: Jeremiah 10:1-4

    Memory verse: Psalms 106:36 And they served their idols: which were a snare unto them: Isaiah 2:6 Therefore thou hast forsaken thy people the house of Jacob, because they be replenished from the east, and are soothsayers like the Philistines, and they please themselves in the children of strangers.

    It was not the wilderness that caused Israel's sins; they were just as disobedient even when they settled in the land of promise. They found evil company and were delighted in it. Those whom they should have destroyed, they made their friends. Having enough faults of their own, they were ready to go to school with the filthy Canaanites and educate themselves still more in the arts of iniquity. It was certain that they could learn no good from men whom the Lord had condemned to utter destruction. Few would wish to go to the condemned cell for learning, yet Israel sat at the feet of accursed Canaan, and rose proficient in every abomination. This, too, is a grievous but common error among professors: they court worldly company and copy worldly fashions, and yet it is their calling to bear witness against these things. None can tell what evil has come of the folly of worldly conformity.

    Every time God didn’t move fast enough by man’s standards the stage is set for the temptation to invent a new god that would.  Idolatry is merely man’s desire to fashion God after our OWN image and desires, creating a god that will be pleased with whatever we want to do rather than what we should do.  We need to trust in the God who has been revealed to us in His Word, and do things HIS way, not ours.  We need to embrace the God who has revealed Himself, not our own revelation or image.

    We become fascinated by the charms of idolatry, though it brings misery upon its devotees. A man cannot serve sin without being ensnared by it. It is like birdlime, and touching it is to be taken by it. Samson laid his head in the Philistine woman's lap, but he woke up cut-off from his strength. Relationship with sin is fatal to spiritual liberty. When God's people seek deliverance from the troubles which their own sins have brought upon them, by allying themselves to the men of this world, and following their evil ways, they only involve themselves in deeper misery and ruin.



    CGDS HYMN 58: SS&S 118: 


    1. Christ hath redeemed us": sing

    the glad word!

    Mercy's sweet message be telling,

    How, through the ransom made by

    His blood,

    Christ now within us is dwelling.


    "Christ hath redeemed us": Praise to His

    Praise Him, ye angels in glory! [name!

    "Christ hath redeemed us," bearing our shame;

    Tell out the wonderful story!

    2. "Christ hath redeemed us," making us free,

    Free from the sins that enslaved us;

    Never in bondage more Can we be,

    Trusting in Him who hath saved us.

    3. "Christ hath redeemed us": we are His own,

    Purchased by blood—He will hold us;

    Nor will He ever leave us alone,

    Safely His arms shall enfold us,

    4. "Christ hath redeemed us": soon with the throng

    Gathered in glory we'll meet Him;

    Oh, with what rapture join in the song,

    When face to face we shall greet Him!



    1.  Lord Jesus, help me to break every relationship I have with any idol.

    2.  LORD God Almighty, no charm of idolatry will attract me in any way to involve myself with idols in Jesus’ name. Amen.    

    3.  Pray for others in this regard.



