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    Text: Hebrews 12:14-15; Ephesians 4:26-27

    14 Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: 15 Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God;  lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled; 

    26 Be ye angry, and sin not:  let not the sun go down upon your wrath: 27 Neither give place to the devil.  


    Monday, 5th February 2024


    Text: Hebrews 12:14-15; Ephesians 4:26-27

    Memory verse: Ephesians 4:26 Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:

    Anger is something common to man and woman. But anger can be harmful to our physical health, to our spiritual life, and to our relationship with others. Anger can lead us to say or do things that we will later regret. Anger can lead to road rage. Anger can lead to child abuse or spouse abuse. Anger can lead to ulcers. Anger can lead to bitterness and depression. Anger is universal, but most people don’t know how to deal with anger. Most teachers and parents do not teach us how to handle our anger. They simply teach us not to express our anger. Over time, we habitually respond to anger in one of three ways. Spew out anger. Seep out anger. Or stuff in anger.

    Spewing out anger is most done at home. Rather than to blow up at work and lose your job, you blow up at home. Yell at the children. Complain about the cooking or cleaning. Kick the furniture. Your words and actions hurt others. Seeping out anger can be done anywhere. Psychologists call this passive-aggressive behaviour. You let out your anger in small, almost indiscernible form. You procrastinate, show up late or somehow interfere with the person you are angry with. You use mild sarcasm or uncooperativeness. Anger is seeping out in disguised form. Stuffing in anger can also be done anywhere. This is a great danger for Christians, who mistakenly believe that anger is wrong and a sin. Anger is not a sin, but it can lead to sin. The Bible tells us, “In your anger do not sin.” The Bible does not say, “Do not be angry.” Stuffing in anger leads to emotional, spiritual, and physical health problems.

    Prisons are filled with people who did not deal with their anger but let their anger spew out in violent acts. Schools and homes are filled with young people who do not deal with their anger but let their anger seep out in uncooperative behaviours. Churches are filled with members who do not deal with their anger, but stuff their anger, until depression or bitterness replaces the anger. Sometimes we lose control, and anger gains a foothold in our lives. Apostle Paul wrote: “Do not let the sun go down on your wrath, nor give place; an opportunity to the devil”. Uncontrolled anger can lead to bitterness and a spirit of accusation. Instead, follow the advice that says, “Pursue peace with all people . . . lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled.” Are you in the habit of accusing people? Remember that Satan is “the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God Day and night”. By having an angry, accusative mind-set, we can easily fall into the snare of the devil.



    CGDS HYMN 46: SS & S 585: 


    1. Jesus Christ, grow Thou in me,

    And all things else recede !

    My heart be daily nearer Thee,

    From sin be daily freed.

    2. Each day let Thy supporting might

    My weakness still embrace;

    My darkness vanish in Thy light,

    Thy life my death efface.

    3. In Thy bright beams which on me fall

    Fade every evil thought ;

    That I am nothing, Thou art all,

    I would be daily taught.

    4. More of Thy glory let me see,

    Thou Holy, Wise, and True !

    I would Thy living image be,

    In joy and sorrow too.

    5. Fill me with gladness from above,

    Hold me by strength Divine :

    Lord, let the glow of Thy great love

    Through my whole being shine.

    6. Make this poor self grow less and less,

    Be Thou my life and aim ;

    Oh, make me daily through Thy grace

    More meet to bear Thy name !



    1.  Lord Jesus, deliver us from all unholy anger and the destructions that comes with it.

    2.  LORD God Almighty, help me to deal with every anger immediately, never allowing it to make me vulnerable to the accuser the devil in Jesus’ name. Amen.    

    3.  Pray for others in this regard.


