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    Text: 1 Corinthians 15:40-41

     40 There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial:  but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another. 41 There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars:  for one star differeth from another star in glory.




    Thursday, 29th February 2024; MIDNIGHT ENCOUNTER


    Text: 1 Corinthians 15:40-41

    Memory Verse: Isaiah 51:3 For the LORD shall comfort Zion: he will comfort all her waste places; and he will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the LORD; joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and the voice of melody.

    The best way to define certain terms is to look at the opposite word for a deep understanding. For example, the word light can be better defined by considering the opposite of light which is darkness. In the same way, the simplest way to define glory is to consider the opposite which is ‘Shame’. Glory is a brilliant and radiant beauty. Everyone admires it. Everything that God created whether animate or inanimate has its Glory. The word glory describes the splendour, holiness, and majesty of God. Glory, in this sense, is often associated with a person experiencing God's presence.  It describes God's obvious presence; it indicates worth and value. To lost glory is to lose the presence of God, lost your light, worth and value.

    Somebody’s glory can be manipulated for shame. Exchanging your light with darkness, the glory with shame. That is why you must cry to God tonight to restore his light over your life. The reasons for the lost glory may be your own error. Your inability to maintain and retain the brightness of the light and glory. In this case you will have to do the needful, give your life to the Holy Spirit, depending on Him alone for direction.

    A very bright student that graduated with first class honour that suddenly become insane has either been attacked by external forces or responsible for the attack through hard drugs. Whatever is responsible for the diverted glory, God shall intervene tonight. Reuben’s glory was diverted because he misbehaved. The glory of the firstborn was given to another. Instead of receiving his father’s blessing, he was cursed. Lost Glory under parental curse must be restored by the highest authority in the name of Jesus.     

    What do you expect from a factory built on an accursed land where two pregnant women fought, died, and buried.  The glory of that business will be under perpetual attack of the crying blood.  Jesus must intervene to liberate every accursed thing in your life and business in Jesus’ name, Amen.  

    Spiritually contaminated wedding gifts assigned to monitor the progress of the marriage will surely affect the glory of that marriage; vows to turn the glory of your marriage to rags will pay dearly for it tonight. Your marriage must be liberated tonight in Jesus’ name. Amen.   

    Glorious destinies can be contaminated through keys padlocked especially by teenagers badly in LOST after each other with crazy vows of combining each other’s blood and even as far as drinking such blood and eventually did not marry each other. Now there is trouble and cannot enjoy the glory of the newfound love and marriage. Wicked chains tying you down to where you do not belong.

    Signs that ones’ glory has been lost:

    1. When you now begin to struggle for survival and to do things usually done with ease before and now feel unfulfilled and empty, it is a terrible sign of lost glory.

    2. Setback is another terrible sign of lost glory. Occupying a highly exalted position before, as soon as the glory is lost, demotion follows. If not arrested on time it may lead to general set back.

    3. Becoming an object of ridicule amongst colleagues, friends, and family because circumstances of life has started working against him.

    4. When a business lost its glory that business will lose patronage. It means business favour will be far.

    5. Lost glory means loss of self-worth and confidence.




    CGDS HYMN 27: SS&S 173: 


    1. There's a light that is shining in darkness,

    While we wait for the dawning of day;

    And it cheers us along on our journey,

    Till the shadows shall vanish away !

    2. So we'll wait and watch for the dawning,

    The day of eternity blest;

    Then take the wings of the morning,

    And fly away to our rest.

    3. From the sure word the prophets

    have spoken, [the gloom;

    There is light flashing forth through

    For the Scripture can never be broken,

    And the King in His glory will come.

    4. Now we sing 'mid the darkness and shadows, ;

    And we pray and we watch for the dawn

    Till the Day-star, in glory arising,

    Shall betoken the coming of morn.

    His Second Coming

    5. We are not of the night nor of darkness,

    Let us walk, then, as children of day;

    Our weeping shall be for a moment,

    And our joy shall ne'er vanish away !



    1.  Almighty God, protect the light you have given me, do not let me loss it in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    2.  Every spiritually contaminated gift used by the enemies to steal my light and glory, I set you on spiritual fire now in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    3.  Any man or woman, principalities and powers that has vowed to turn my glory to rag; the Almighty God set you on fire and put you on everlasting shame in Jesus’ name. Amen.

    4.  Every padlock and chains used to hold me down, be broken into pieces in Jesus’ name. Amen.  

    5.  Everyone holding back my wealth, my glory, and my peace, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I command you to release it now.

    6.  Every satanic covenant that I have entered known or unknown to me, with those who have captured my glory; through the words of my mouth, through dreams or that was done on my behalf, I break the covenant now by the powers in the blood of Jesus Christ.

    7.  I declare freedom from every satanic stronghold, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.


    Almighty God, secure my salvation, light, and glory, I will not lose it. Every spiritually contaminated gift used to set me back is set on fire now in the name of Jesus’ Christ. Every padlock and chains used to chain me spiritually to hold me back in darkness is shattered in Jesus’ name. Amen. By the authority in the shed blood of Jesus Christ, I nullify every evil covenant I  have entered into, known to me or unknown, done by my parents on my behalf in Jesus’ name.  Amen. Darkness can never and never overcome light. Your light shall never be swallowed by darkness, my glory shall never be overtaken by shame in Jesus’ name. Amen.







