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    Text: Exodus 23:32-33

     32 Thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor with their gods.   33 They shall not dwell in thy land, lest they make thee sin against me:  for if thou serve their gods, it will surely be a snare unto thee.  



    Monday, 12th February 2024


    Text: Exodus 23:32-33

    Memory verse: Exodus 34:12 Take heed to thyself, lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land whither thou goest, lest it be for a snare in the midst of thee.

    The Devil can make people very prosperous, famous, wealthy, and powerful, but always at the cost of their souls which is why Jesus said: There are certain well-established cults and societies, that serve almost as the gathering centre for powerful politicians and wealthy businessmen, famous music stars. These are the enemy’s way of taking control of the government and finances of the area or even country we live in.

    Most people who are the movers and shakers of societies get their power by making certain oaths pledges and vows in specialized ceremonies. You see them dress in black tie customs and dinner jacket, crisp collar white shirts and they enter great halls where they do the initiation and induction of these new folks. From there these people pledge to help each other advance and of course they have the backing of their master.

    Matthew 16:26 says, “For what is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” People with strong desires may make a bargain with the Devil to get what they want. They may well get what they want but the long-term price will be awful. Sometimes the deal will be written in a drop of blood on a piece of paper.

    The other side is that when such a person finally sees the Light and becomes a Christian, they may have forgotten the vows and deals they made but strange things will happen in their life as the Devil exacts revenge for the broken promise. The person may even need deliverance and much prayer. They will need to: Renounce the Devil and all his works, Claim the Blood of Jesus Christ, and God's cleansing, tell the Devil he no longer has any power or right over you because you are no longer in his kingdom of darkness and rebuke him, assert that you now belong to God alone, claiming the protecting power of God. Put on the armour of God, be filled with the Spirit, and spend much time in prayer. Destroy all artifacts associated with the pact or with the devil.

    Satan uses evil covenants and false oaths to trick people as part of his campaign of lying, cheating, stealing, killing, and destroying. Genuine oaths: James warns us against vows and oaths saying: "lest you fall into judgment." Broken oaths bring us into judgment and as Ecclesiastes says results in God destroying the work of our hands.



    CGDS HYMN 52: SS & S 597:


    1. I once was a stranger to grace and to God ;

    I knew not my danger, and felt not my load ;  

    Though friends spoke in rapture of

    Christ on the tree,  

    " Jehovah Tsidkenu " was nothing to me.

    2. Like tears from the daughters of Zion

    that roll,  

    I wept when the waters went over His soul,

    Yet thought not that my sins had

    nailed to the tree

    " Jehovah Tsidkenu " — 'twas nothing to me.

    3. When free grace awoke me, by light from on high,

    Then legal fears shook me, I trembled to die ;

    No refuge, no safety, in self could I see;

    " Jehovah Tsidkenu " my Saviour must be.

    4. My terrors all vanished before the sweet name ;  

    My guilty fears banished, with boldness I came

    To drink at the fountain, life-giving and free :

    " Jehovah Tsidkenu " was all things to me.

    5. E'en treading the valley, the shadow of death,  

    This watchword shall rally my faltering breath ;

    For, when from life's fever my God sets me free,

    " Jehovah Tsidkenu " my death-song shall be.



    1.  Lord Jesus, help me to disconnect myself from any covenant that doesn’t align with Yours for me.

    2.  LORD God Almighty, make a new covenant with me, and break any existing evil covenant operating in my life, in Jesus’ name. Amen.    

    3.  Pray for others in this regard.


